Thursday 16 December 2010

Freedom fighters or terrorists: WikiLeaks

It’s time to discuss the hot topic of this month - WikiLeaks.

I think I don’t have to introduce this portal as almost every media is talking about it but it’ll summarize its major ‘achievements’:
• Helicopter attack video in Baghdad

• Afghan war diaries

• Iraq war diaries

• US Department of State internal messages (so called Cablegate)

So far in my opinion there is nothing spectacular in these documents but their release is very spectacular and embarrassing for United States.

Following Cablegate WikiLeaks has been cut off from money by PayPal, MasterCard and Visa, thrown out of servers, lost their domain and its founder Julian Assange arrested and faces extradition to Sweden for rape charges.

After these actions websites of Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, and Swedish government were attacked by denial of service attacks.

In my personal opinion nothing goods comes from WikiLeaks because there is nothing important in these documents however their actions might put some people at risk and destroy careers of other ones which in turn might be used as an excuse to limit free speech. On the other hand I don’t like the way US government is dealing with this. It should openly accuse WikiLeaks of illegal possession of secret government documents (i.e. espionage) instead of secretly influencing private companies to close their accounts and Sweden to accuse him of rape.


1) WikiLeaks claims it’s fighting for free speech, do you think it’s their true motive or just an excuse?
2) WikiLeaks was founded in order to release documents from countries like Russia, China, North Korea etc... , why then its major releases are almost exclusively US documents? Is it because it’s much easier to get US documents or it would be much more dangerous to release Russian documents for instance?
3) Do you think United States can be trusted in terms of confidentiality? Should Poland share its state secrets with United States?
4) What do you think about this whole blockade of WikiLeaks and counterstrike by hackers?
5) Do you think WikiLeaks is truly independent organization or it’s backed by someone else?
6) What’s your opinion about charges which Julian Assange faces? Is he guilty or is this just a show trial?


  1. I am not so sure if they do this only for fighting of speech freedom. For sure they earn some money... Maybe they just want to embarras us...

  2. Such activity like Wikileaks is essential, it's a pity that materials which appear there are not look through before publishing. I think that a lot of top secret documents should see the daylight, but not all. For example (these are made up examples) the issues connected with political frauds (also bribes) or info about such issues like google or nasza-klasa, or guys or any different portals which saves all info about us, telephone numbers, addresses, and so on. Such documents should be published to prevent it. A lot of people are not aware of it, but if connect all info from all services plus info from the police for example or other agences, a particular terrorist (or a bothered neighbour) or a cop could have all information about us in a second. What is worse, those data could be taken over by some hackers and published, and you never know who would find them and what they would do with them.

  3. 1. I think that WikiLeaks is the institution ran secretly by the US (or other foreign) government because it seems unlikely that such leaks would normally be allowed for.

    2. Maybe because both and maybe because US have some point in this.

    3. Confidential documents can be stolen no matter with who they are shared.

    4. I think that the blockade is good, but it made WikiLeaks even more popular.

    5. As I said in 1. it is either backed by US or maybe someone else.

    6. I think it is just a show trial, to turn public eyes from the leaks.

  4. Do not treat WL like a superhero or something because its simply created not for us. If some informations would be really bad for any of countries they government would never let it to spread out.

  5. 1. Accualy i think this site is fake and it is misinformation tool.

    2) Because those documents are in English and probably from the start it founded by CIA.

    3) Information is difficult to protect. We can't actually completely trust no one.

    4) It shouldn't happen.
    5) It is backed by US intelligence.
    6) This is a show trial.

  6. 1. its just an excuse to show what they might considered as interesting but they are the ones who got most of the benefits from it.
    2. No idea to be honest I do not want to get into the political aspects because they will make me talk for ages.
    3. US is very outstanding at keeping information that are confidential for the US government. It is up to the president and the prime minister I have no power to influence decisions like sharing Polish govenment's info with the US government.
    4. I have no special feelings about this. Hackers would always try to prove that they are worth-a-while. This is an occasion that gives the hakcers the right time and the space for them to prove themselves with the name of protecting the governments.
    5. it is backed by an organization that would like to dismental the entire political system that we have today.
    6.This is just a show
