I also believe that a very large role in shaping the canons of beauty play computer graphic artists who are often under the influence of inspiration; there is so embellished figure on the cover that often at "first glance we do not know who it is.
Here I would like to show the campaign's billboard dove, which was not only barred, as a promotional campaign, but even it got a negative publicity.
Magazine covers, present us with perfect women and men. Beautifully-looking aging grandmother, full of vigor parent ‘s of children.
Leaders are skinny models with sunken cheeks, showing excellent matching clothes, like the store hangers. What is the truth about this? I think not one of us has had time to find out.
Referring here to the plastic surgery, you may consider such non-surgical treatments for improving appearance. The whole procedure is very similar, improving, learning, reduction, slimming, zooming, smoothing.
Thanks to the Photoshop, you can get a really great effect, without leaving home, without spending a fortune without any effort.
Promoting this type of behavior has irreversible consequences: young girls and boys are becoming victims of anorexia, the quest for excellence.
An example of such irresponsibility of the media, is promoting the program TOP MODEL, where one of the lead with a smile on his lips, boasted how they had slimmed down contestants.
Shouldn’t the designers think of ordinary people? Why do we admire those who promote ill-
Don’t you think that the media should be blamed for anorexia?
What can we do about the irresponsible behavior of young girl?
The recent advancement in the manufacture and design of radio telescopescontinuously bolstering these principles by providing measured data about the amount of electricity, different physical forces and energies out there in space.
Modern cosmology is pivoted around the two linchpins of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.
Einstein himself is known to have doubted the compatibility of the two. This was apparently because Einstein could not fully accept that the behavior of subatomic particles was probabilistic rather than deterministic.
There was a fundamental divorcing of cause and effect that he was inherently averse to. He simply didn’t like the idea of the subatomic particles being governed by random chance.
His rather unsurprisingly (being him),prophetic words, while explaining his “hidden variables” theory, rather fit well with the electric model universe. This theory held that “there were characteristics of particles that we haven’t discovered or measured yet, but once we did, we’ll find that the actions of particles are really deterministic and not governed by chance!” Moreover, the theory of relativity deals with matter as if its only significance is the bending of space with gravity.
Do you know any opposite theory or Einstein’s main competitor?
In contrast, the electric universe is explained from the subatomic level, through the macro levels of the earth scales and then into the planetary, then stellar, until even the universe itself is accounted for. This is accomplished by the proposition that it is electrical structure of nature that forms all matter from subatomic levels to the amazing shapes we see in deep outer space.
The flow of current between stars and galaxies can be proved by the existence of magnetic fields that such flow would generate. Magnetic fields network through space in all dimensions, and through all the matter in it in the form of stars and galaxies.
It is scientifically accepted that magnetic fields can only be generated by electric currents. So for such extensive networks across space, there has to be considerable amounts of electrical energy flowing through space. The basis of conventional cosmology lies in Einsteinian Relativistic Mechanics.
Can you agree that our universe can be some sort of cable?
This meant that all conventional cosmology is based on Einstein’s ideas that completely ignored everything connected with electricity.
This throws all the ideas like the Big Bang Theory,the expanding universe, the inflation theory into disarray, as most of man’s knowledge about how the universe works is based on electricity, and all these ideas do not address electricity in their making. So, even the popular concepts of black holes, neutron stars, etc that are based on geometrical calculations (that Einstein himself felt inadequate), now stand hollow and wanting for conviction.
Do you think all those theories could be simply wrong?
Conventional cosmology explained black holes as points of infinite concentrated mass that spewed large amounts concentrated energy in deep space. Black holes were said to suck everything including light into itself, and therefore couldn’t be seen.
So the existence of black holes could be postulated as such, and because we couldn’t see it, we couldn’t disprove them. Stephen Hawking himself suggested that certain kinds of black holes spewed matter out of their galaxies in jets.
However, the electric universe model proposes that the energy we see concentrated in these events that are attributed to black holes, can be explained by the confluence of electrical energy from different parts of the galaxy or from even outside the galaxy.
The analogy is made to the light bulb, which when switched on, lighting up in your house, although the energy source was generated hundreds of miles away. Do you believe in parallel universes?
A significant characteristic of certain galaxies are the double radio sources on either of them, a feature predicted by Hannes Alfven but unexplained to this day by conventional cosmologists.
The next major stellar phenomenon that is a bone of contention, between the two schools, is the pulsar. Pulsars are objects in deep space that emanate pulses of light and radio activity.
What is remarkable about this emanation is that the pulses are extremely fast, being just milliseconds apart. If you picture a lighthouse beam that rotates around 360 degrees before it reaches your eye a second time, the pulsar is like a throbbing strobe light that rotates something like 300 times a second. This would be something like the speed of a dentist’s drill.
foto: http://adk.astronet.pl/images/Pulsar3.jpg
A normal star cannot possibly rotate at such speed, therefore it had to be theorized again that the structure of such an astral body had to be composed of neutrons packed tightly together, in other words a neutron star.
Therefore, a neutron star was one that was so dense, and held together so well, that it could indeed rotate at that rate. This is where, the proponents of the electric universe model, vociferously oppose the theory. Brandishing the principle of ‘island of stability’, in nuclear chemistry, they emphasize that the star would fall apart instantaneously if neutrons were packed so densely.
They offer a counter proposal that in a commonly known situation of electrical transmission lines, uncontrolled pulses ping-pong back and forth. Apparently, this is what happens between a set of binary stars that are connected by plasma. They act like capacitors that store charge. This can be recreated in a laboratory in the form of a relaxation oscillator. So the phenomenon of producing a pulse every few milliseconds is as easy as a student’s lab experiment.
What is your opinion on this matter ?
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
What today is plastic surgery?
For me it's largely a game of being God, or sculptors. Today's canons of beauty are based on so shallow notion of femininity.
It's sometimes hard to distinguish a man from a woman and vice versa.
Treatment of so-called - aesthetic medicine, is nothing but a correction, zoom in, zoom out, suction.
Today a woman wanting to be beautiful, must be slim, tall, athletic with fawless skin.
But is it really attractive based solely on external appearance?
I think that in our times, plastic surgery is no longer associated with the provision of assistance after severe burns,
and the innovative face transplant after the tragic accident, or congenital lesions.
Today, plastic surgery, we associate with overgrown breasts, perfectly contoured nose, waist, hair,
or a well-stretched leather face.
In the minds of many Americans, well-established principle that even obese people can "do" beauty.
Therefore, many of them do not pay attention to diet, because wanting to be thinner, will opt for liposuction.
Geographical Trends
The global study revealed ISAPS new ranking of countries that carry out most of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatments. Even though the United States continues to dominate in this area, there are countries that have not always been associated with plastic surgery, they are now the main centers.
25 leading countries and regions:
1. United States
2. China
3. Brazil
4. India
5. Mexico
6. Japan
7. South Korea
8. Germany
9. Turkey
10. Spain
11. Argentina
12. Russia
13. Italy
14. France
15. Canada
16. Taiwan
17. United Kingdom
18. Colombia
19. Greece
20. Thailand
21. Australia
22. Venezuela
23. Saudi Arabia
24. Netherlands
25. Portugal
The main "ve non-surgical treatments include:
- injecting toxins and neuromodulators (Botox, Dysport) (32.7%)
- injection of hyaluronic acid (20.1%)
- Laser Hair Removal (13.1%)
- injecting autologous adipose tissue
(fat download patient from one place and move it to another location in the same patient) (5.9%)
- IP laser treatment (4.4%).
Among the countries in which non-surgical treatments were performed, dominated the United States, Brazil,
Mexico and China and to a lesser extent, Japan, Hungary, South Korea, India and Germany.
(sources: ISAPS Global Survey, http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/197293.php)
Errors in the arts, have become a nightmare of plastic surgery. Far advanced facial asymmetry, oversized lips, "lled with botox, or face more animal-like face.
These are just some of the terrible effects of plastic surgery. Sometimes complications after such operations lead to a permanent disability or death. Infections and other side effects, make a simple cosmetic procedure end in tragedy for a lifetime. There are many examples of how a relentless commitment to excellence made just the opposite effect.
Fascinated American series named NIP / TUCK, very accurately caricature job of a plastic surgeon.
I created a short animation showing a few interesting facts.
What do you think about improving the natural beauty to be attractive to others?
Should not it be that you !rst have to accept yourself, you have to accept?
Hi there! This semester I would like to introduce to you my recent passion. It is the theory of electric universe, which can turn our understanding of the space up side down. Over the recent years, there has been a flurry of activity and interest among certain scientific circles, (and even among the general lay public interested in the field), in an exciting new field of cosmology known as the Electric Universe.
Although it has generated intense skeptical responses and controversy from the conventional establishment of scientific bodies, (who have even deemed it as a “pseudoscience” and “attempts to rewrite the known laws of physics”, it is reported to have evolved from the voluminous publications of scientific journals that include the work of as illustrious individuals as Nobel Laureate Hannes Alfven, Norwegian physicist Kristian Birkeland, and Nikola Tesla among others.
The adherents of this science propose that it is electricity that maneuvers the galaxies, spawns the stars, provides the energy for solar combustions and even hurls the comets through space. How does this translate to common language? The general convention in the mainstream scientific world holds that the universe is electrically neutral and purely mechanical, and that it is the weak force of gravity and inertia that plays a dominant role. The electric universe model, on the other hand, highlights the plasma cosmology concept, which emphasizes the electro-dynamic nature of the universe. By the way, have you even seen working tesla coil? Plasma that permeates more than 90% of the universe is explained as the FIRST state of matter that has its constituents made up of ‘positive’ ions and free-floating ‘negative’ electrons, and has the form of an ionized gas.
The term plasma is parallel in its inference to the blood plasma in that it is almost life-like and self-organizing in its abilities. Polar aurorae are spectacles of light emitting from plasma under the excitation of electrical and magnetic fields. The commonly mistaken notion of the Sun being composed of hot gases is now increasingly being replaced by the concept of a plasma ball. Due to its composition of charged ions and electrons, plasma exists in a state of high energy, or ‘hot’ state. What side do you take, plasmas or gravity?
When plasma cools, it assumes the properties of matter we recognize in the conventional other three states, of solid, liquid and gas. Another common misapprehension is that space is largely empty, devoid of any kind of matter. http://www.nasaimages.org/luna/servlet/detail/NVA2~8~8~12533~113074:Hubble-Finds-Intergalactic-Stars This has been found to be grossly false as space is teeming with plasma. Prolific stretches of plasma have been observed traversing millions of light years across intergalactic spaces. The easiest forms of plasma to recognize on Earth are those used in the common neon boards that light up the city night skies. Television screens employ plasma to present visuals. The piercing blue lights of the electric arc welding machines are characteristic of plasma generation. Do you know any other examples of plasma use in our lives? http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=4773590301316220374&q=thunderbolts&total=184&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0# The nature of plasma makes it a perfect conductor of electricity. Being composed of free-flowing electrons, they are superior to gold and copper as electrical conductors. The structure of matter is found to be cellular and filamentary presenting complex architecture that is sculpted out of its interaction with electromagnetism.
The reasons for this can be inferred from the fact that a charged particle, or currents of it tend to array a ring of magnetic fields around itself, or the directional flow of the current, squeezing plasma into multi filamentary strands that are observed both in cosmic as well as macro scale.
Mainstream cosmology refuses to acknowledge the role of electricity as a predominant factor while accepting the influence of magnetism as significant. Electrodynamics phenomena are dismissed in terms of obscure ideas of ‘electron rains’ and ‘clouds of ionized gases’. However, the fact that gravity based models of the universe were codified before the advent of space travel and high powered space-based telescopes should explain the constraints on integrating these radically new concepts to widen our horizons.
Plasma being highly scalable has helped scientists produce models on galactic scales. So much so, that these models are so consistent with reality that they have transcended hypothesis and analysis. http://www.plasmacosmology.net/video.html The ancient art of sculpting and painting rock (petroglyphs) bears many striking resemblances to the laboratory reproducible plasma phenomena characteristics.
Do you know any examples like Zeus and his sky interpretation?
http://www.maverickscience.com/arch-sun-planets.htm It is therefore wondered whether the ancients saw a sky quite unlike what we see today. We often ask why our ancestors were so zealous about planets and stars that appear as tiny specks in the sky. Could it be that they were witnessing the plasma phenomena of the younger solar system and that it was part of they religion beliefs?
The author Immanuel Velikovsky, (Worlds in Collision), promoted an interdisciplinary, comparative technique to reveal firm evidence of planetary catastrophe from records of the earliest civilizations. His forensic style was to compare reports of extremely unusual physical events in nature that were reinforced on a global scale by more or less identical reports from cultures completely isolated from each other.
Do you agree with me that such resemblances just must meant something?
The recent findings provided by plasma physics are unlocking the mystery of the resemblance in the petroglyph images to the morphing of manifesting plasma in space, or for that matter in the laboratory. With the data he collected, Velikovsky would apply scientific principles of cause and effect, to recreate a very realistic model of the sequence of those events.
Consequently, the model provided the means to make and confirm specific predictions. Velikovsky was proved right when he predicted that Venus would be near incandescently hot, Jupiter would emit radio noise and Moon rocks would be magnetized.
foto: http://i43.tinypic.com/ehuoh.jpg
From his observations, Velikovsky explained that the skies look relatively peaceful now, but in those ancient times astral events were clearly visible from across the globe as manifestations of plasma structures morphing into suns, planets and other bodies, perhaps even with activity from within our own solar system.
If it was true would you like to go back in time to witness those changes?
http://www.solarviews.com/eng/venus.htm With the advent of 20thcentury invention, instrumentation and space exploration, scientific frontiers were pushed significantly backwards, as the scope of understanding of scientific phenomena widened in literally astronomical terms.
Images were captured through the entire electromagnetic spectrum like infrared and ultra violet, instead of being restricted to vision in the visible light only. The Hubble telescope,http://hubblesite.org/gallery/album/and the Chandra X-Ray telescope,http://chandra.harvard.edu/photo/,in geostationary earth orbit in space, along with the radio telescopes on earth,http://images.nrao.edu/extends the scope of human vision and understanding, across light years of space, to produce crispy clear photographs of outer space as delightful treats for the naked human eye, and measurements of electricity, magnetic fields and energy stores in space.
The electric universe model however is yet to bridge a great chasm in trying to integrate with the views of modern cosmology. The precepts of modern cosmology leave wide gaping hiatuses in the explanation of the universe. It claims that the interstellar and intergalactic spaces are an expanse of empty vacuum, leaving the observer isolated and unattached.
The Electric Universe adopts an opposite stance regarding the explanation of the universe, and holds that the planets pervade the sun’s electrical environment, while the sun pervades the galactic electrical environment with the galaxy itself is threaded with other galaxies by huge electric currents streaming through the universe.
How do you find the idea that our sun needs electric current to work? What if there is a power surge?
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