Tuesday 29 March 2011



What today is plastic surgery?

For me it's largely a game of being God, or sculptors. Today's canons of beauty are based on so shallow notion of femininity.

It's sometimes hard to distinguish a man from a woman and vice versa.

Treatment of so-called - aesthetic medicine, is nothing but a correction, zoom in, zoom out, suction.

Today a woman wanting to be beautiful, must be slim, tall, athletic with fawless skin.

But is it really attractive based solely on external appearance?

I think that in our times, plastic surgery is no longer associated with the provision of assistance after severe burns,

and the innovative face transplant after the tragic accident, or congenital lesions.

Today, plastic surgery, we associate with overgrown breasts, perfectly contoured nose, waist, hair,

or a well-stretched leather face.

In the minds of many Americans, well-established principle that even obese people can "do" beauty.

Therefore, many of them do not pay attention to diet, because wanting to be thinner, will opt for liposuction.

Geographical Trends

The global study revealed ISAPS new ranking of countries that carry out most of surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatments. Even though the United States continues to dominate in this area, there are countries that have not always been associated with plastic surgery, they are now the main centers.

25 leading countries and regions:

1. United States

2. China

3. Brazil

4. India

5. Mexico

6. Japan

7. South Korea

8. Germany

9. Turkey

10. Spain

11. Argentina

12. Russia

13. Italy

14. France

15. Canada

16. Taiwan

17. United Kingdom

18. Colombia

19. Greece

20. Thailand

21. Australia

22. Venezuela

23. Saudi Arabia

24. Netherlands

25. Portugal

The main "ve non-surgical treatments include:

- injecting toxins and neuromodulators (Botox, Dysport) (32.7%)

- injection of hyaluronic acid (20.1%)

- Laser Hair Removal (13.1%)

- injecting autologous adipose tissue

(fat download patient from one place and move it to another location in the same patient) (5.9%)

- IP laser treatment (4.4%).

Among the countries in which non-surgical treatments were performed, dominated the United States, Brazil,

Mexico and China and to a lesser extent, Japan, Hungary, South Korea, India and Germany.

(sources: ISAPS Global Survey, http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/197293.php)

Errors in the arts, have become a nightmare of plastic surgery. Far advanced facial asymmetry, oversized lips, "lled with botox, or face more animal-like face.

These are just some of the terrible effects of plastic surgery. Sometimes complications after such operations lead to a permanent disability or death. Infections and other side effects, make a simple cosmetic procedure end in tragedy for a lifetime. There are many examples of how a relentless commitment to excellence made just the opposite effect.

Fascinated American series named NIP / TUCK, very accurately caricature job of a plastic surgeon.

I created a short animation showing a few interesting facts.

What do you think about improving the natural beauty to be attractive to others?

Should not it be that you !rst have to accept yourself, you have to accept?


  1. One day...I think it was a women's day I watched some programme and interview with men about plastic surgery. The interviewer asked them what are they thinking about it and what would they do if their wife or girlfriend would like to do it. I was so suprised when I heard that most of them said that it is only her decision and for her own good and happiness they would agree. What??? I agree that in some situations it's necessary for an example some accident, disease... when it really interrupts in normal life or something like this. But if some girl thinks that she has too smalle breast or too big nose, smile... it is just irrational. It is like a chain- she will change nose and then lips will not be good enough. It is a mental problem with self-acceptance. Men shouldn't be so confortable and try to help her. Maybe it is more his problem than her.

  2. About improving natural beauty that should be forbidden, but about natural ugliness nothing against.
    Fortunately the trend of plastic surgery isn’t SO popular in Poland at all or I haven’t noticed that phenomenon yet. Also there is no any space for Poland on your list of countries.
    I can understand a tiny improvements, just to increase self comfort, i.e. spots or scares marking, any changes taken after accidents. But I will not appreciate slef-upgrading just to freaking somebody out or making an phantom impression – never. Such people deserve for condemnation in my eyes.
    Of course self acceptation is a point to success, otherwise sometimes we’re being devoid of any choice, i.e. before mentioned random accidents. Sometimes because somebody’s stupidity we received something that is unacceptable - my pizza-mate ;)

  3. What does it mean natural ugliness Tomasz?
    I agree with Małgorzata, it's never enough when you start to do this you will never stop. So it's dangerous..and I think it's very popular now in Argentina where all girls (young and beautiful) want to look perfect to become a model. Even their parents encourage them to do this, how weird is that? In Poland we don't have such a big problem with it I guess.. but maybe due to lack of money? i don' know. But of course I'm rather against improving our beauty by plastic surgeries.

  4. In my opinion that particular topic it’s likely hard to compare, a specially answers between men and women. There would be an argue all the time.
    For us (men) it’s natural to ‘take a short look’ with a kind of curiosity on the ‘outcome of plastic surgery’ - these are the rules of Nature and natural selection.
    When you ask: “What is your opinion about plastic surgery?” “Are you opposite?”. We’ll always persuade: “Yes, of course”, “That’s the stupidest thing ever”, “I cannot imagine how they could do such things…” in the mean time taking interest look on another ‘plastic lady’.
    I surely bet it’s the same with you ladies - better to keep eyes on a handsome athletic man in good self-conditions :)

  5. I believe in natural beauty. Beauty correction is senseless for anyone self-acceptance is the factor needed for others to accept you. Is it there any sense in giving yourself a pain, just to please others? I also wonder if the rest of the men share my view that the naturality is first of all? Moreover I think that such plastic surgery are unhealthy, as each operation is carried out unnecessarily. Besides what if the body rejects the implant or the operation does not succeed?

  6. In modern society, a person is more inclined to be liked when they are beautiful, rather than liked purely because they accept their own physical flaws. Flaws which, appropriately so, are deemed undesirable by that same society. Now that said, why does a person want to be “liked”?

    Not including cases of burn injuries or severe/tragic accidents, I think the desire to be more beautiful than another could be purely instinctual. The want to be beautiful could be a want to accepted. To be accepted by a society one must follow the norm than be individual.

    In general, I think the statistics show people would rather go to great lengths, take great risks, and spend large sums of money, rather than accept themselves for who they already are.

  7. I believe that there is nothing wrong in the fact that someone is doing plastic surgery. These operations are expensive, but it helps people to get rid of defects of the body. We have to remember about the people who were injured in accidents that caused deformations of their body such as face. I believe that if in this case they want to do operations then there is nothing wrong with that.

    The bad thing is that plastic surgery is for some people the treatment for their complexes.

    Yes, people should love us as we are but it can be only in the idyll. People judge others every day and it is hard to change human nature.

  8. If some people want look "better", I think OK -it is their choice.

    We should remember that in our world live people who want look like other for example victims of accidents.

    Esthetics's surgery is very huge discipline of medicine, for example breast operations is not only enlarge... ;) also it can help women after mastectomy.

  9. Personally I don’t understand why someone would go through all these operations just to look better, such person in my opinion needs psychologist not plastic surgeon, but it’s her problem and I don’t really bother as long as it’s not financed from my taxes.

    On the other hand as Michał said it can be helpful after injuries so it has both pros and cons.

  10. It really depends on the mentality of the culture. There are cultures that believe plastic surgery is a must to have. For example, in Korea it was a 18 year old gift to a teenager to have a plastic surgery from their parents. It is not just about the look but it has already became part of that culture. But in general, I do not think there is anything wrong of spending your own money on trying to make yourself look better.

    You must accept who you are because this is what your parents have given you. It is not always about the look. If a person was truly interested in you, they won’t care how you look like. Therefore, in order to make other people accept you, you must first accept yourself.

  11. In my opinion, this is a matter of choice. If you want to change your nose or breast why not? You should remember that each surgery, not only plastic surgery bear a risk.
