Wednesday 5 January 2011

Differences between men and women

Dear Colleagues,

In my presentation I would like to touch upon some psychological aspects, in particular on the differences between men and women. Everybody knows that there are lots of differences between how men and women think. There were lots of studies trying to explain what the reasons for the above are. We are all aware of the fact that brains of men and women react in a different way to various situations. For example, think how men react when they are shown a newborn baby and what is the reaction of women then. No matter what age they are, men try to avoid contact with the newborns, they are afraid they can hurt them, and they simply do not know how to react when such a baby starts to cry. Women, on the other hand, are being caught by babies. They start to visit their friends more often once a newborn is delivered. Moreover, just think about the hobbies and interests of both sexes. How many women who are interested in car engines do you know, or how many of your male friends enjoy doing shopping or cooking? Below, please find a list of some of the major differences presented by Amber Hensley.

Human relationships. Hensley claims that women tend to be more communicative and they focus on finding solutions, whereas men tend to be more task-oriented, less talkative. She claims that it is more problematic for men to understand emotions, while women are emotional masters.

Left brain vs. both hemispheres. With regard to psychologists, left hemisphere of men’s brain is better developed, while in case of women both hemispheres are developed in the same way. What follows, men are better at activities that involve left hemisphere, while women think more about feelings and are more creative. Think for whom it is easier to decorate a table when the guests are coming? Men are more practical, while women want to create atmosphere and they spend much more time for preparing decorations.

Pain. Men and women react to pain in a different way. It was found that women need more morphine to kill the pain than men. Women more often think about the pain they feel, while men try to hide it.

Language. It was discovered that women have better language skills than men. Just think how women and men talk about the same situation.

Below, please find an example taken from a famous sitcom “Friends”.

Spatial ability. I think you could observe it many times that it is easier for men to work with a map. Men have stronger spatial abilities, it is easier for them to imagine shapes and dynamics, while majority of women needs more time to perform these activities”.


I once found a funny presentation showing differences in how men and women perceive each other. I encourage you to have a look at it. It illustrates relations between men and women in a simple, really funny way.

Please watch the short movie and answer the questions below.


I hope you enjoyed the short movies, right now I would like you to share your opinions with colleagues. You are free to comment on the opinions of other group mates if you do not have so much experience in the relations between men and women.

Can you think about any movies that show differences between men's and women's thinking?

Do you think the short extract taken from famous “Friends” movie represents the reality?

For males: do you think your partner should always state directly what she wants?

For females: do you think your partner often does not get what you mean?

What do you think you can do in order to improve your relations?


  1. Great topic I like it. Because of so many differences between men and women world become funniest I think:)
    I remember movie "What Women Want" with Mel Gibson and and Helen Hunt. It shows so clearly differences you wrote about. When the main character start to hear every thought of women he realize how the both sexes differ and begin to understand the female way of thinking.
    In my opinion lack of conversations is cause of many problems, we should talk more with each other to avoid miscommunication.
    This extract from "Friends" represent in some way reality but not always of course. Sometimes man are more emotional about love. They worry much more than women. It depends on personality. I don't like to generalize.
    My boyfriend said he won't try to understand me because it's impossible. Well I don't agree with him:) It's all about an effort we make. When we care about each other we try harder right?
    To improve all relations not only these between man and women we should talk as I wrote earlier. I think it's helpful most of the time.

  2. Unfortunately, I have not seen the movie you mentioned but I will for sure do it. With regard to your comment regarding cmmunication, I fully agree with you, the more we talk, the more we undertand each other. I somehow understand your boyfriend, there are some topics men and women shall not discuss in detail, because they think differently and very often simply canot understand each other even if they try to;) Do you often state directly what do you want from your boyfriend?

  3. well ok not always:)but I try..sometimes I expect him to guess what I meant. I know maybe I should just say directly what I need but sometimes I want him to read in my mind. It would be like "soul connection":) or something like that:) Maybe I watch to many romantic movies. In fact it's highly probable.)
    But you're right there are some topics in which we never reach an agreement.

  4. Well, it is really difficult to read in somebody's mind:) Maybe you are right, these could also be romantic movies that make women believe that their men are like movie characters and then they are a bit dissapointed. I think it is a good topic for discussion - how romantic movies influence the way we percieve other people, especially our beloved ones?

  5. yeah it's good topic to discuss but only for women right?:) ..usually men don't watch this kind of movies, you like more science fiction or criminals, thrilers..besides even not every woman like them. Maybe it's not about kind of movies but about everything we see in TV or cinema or in opera. It's depends on taste. So we all have some ideal partner image in our head. They come often from some stories or movies etc. ..or maybe from life as well:)

  6. I think that many movies show differences between men and women. Maybe they don't show it directly, but in each scene you can show act's differences.

    Women also cry a lot. It is said that they live longer beacuse of that.

    I think that my girlfriend should always state directly what she wants. Why not? I think everyone should, it does not matter if she/he is my partner or not. It happens very often if You don't tell what you think, some misunderstanding appers. For sure it is not "healthy".

  7. There was a movie "What women wants" with Mel Gibson and I think that is that kind of movie. I think that clarity and being honest is that most important thing in relationship. I`m very happy with my realtionship so I wouldn`t improve anything ;)

  8. I will try to watch the movie. I fully agree with you, these are clarity and honesty that work.

  9. It's amazing how men and woman are different and similar at the same time. Sometimes there has to be many words spoken to achieve some kind of understanding. In other cases it just works the same way. There was a great book ("Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus") about this and it doesn't stop to amaze me how things may differ.

  10. Well differences between men and women are quite visible in IT Crowd series.

  11. I've seen lot of movies which showed the differences between men and women but i don't remember any title of it:(. I've heard about American writer John Gray who wrote several books where this difference is shown, for example: "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus", "Mars and Venus on a Date". The full list of his books we can found at this page: This extract form "Friends" in some sense shows us the truth. This scene with women, it shows 100% truth about them, i saw it often in reality;). Women - of course in most - run to their girlfriends and talk about what has happened and tell the most accurate details;). Men as men - just mention about whole situation and keep all feelings and details for himself. If my partner (girlfriend) would always directly say what she wants - surely it would be easier. However sometimes I like discovering what she wants;), sometimes it's fun;). The basis for a good relationship is discussion, this is a very hard skill that we must learn, therefore we must be best friends who support each other.

  12. Q: For males: do you think your partner should always state directly what she wants?

    I think that all partners want that, but they couldn’t be more wrong because if all their long-term partners say directly what they want it might be like giving commands, like ordering something to the other one. There won’t be any good words, any romantic stuff and it won’t help in making the relationship like a woman and a man but like me and my boss.
    A man and a woman have a lot differences but it makes this world beautiful and our lives interesting, doesn’t it? When I go for a beer with my friend, what can I do? I can talk about my girlfriend and wonder what she wants from me, and I think about her ‘orders’ and think about her, think about the trip when we were over the lake, and still laugh my head off even though I might start wondering if something is wrong with her ;)

    A woman says:
    This place is like garbage! Get to work,
    you and me must clean up this place.
    Your stuff is on the floor.
    And If we don’t do the laundry now,
    wardrobe will be without clothes.
    A man hears:
    Bla bla bla, Get to work,
    Blab la blab la, You and Me,
    Ble blu bla, On the floor,
    Blub la ble, Now,
    Bla Blu blub le, Without clothes.

    This joke can tell you all :) :)

  13. Women are just unable to say straight what they think. You always have to focus "what does it mean? what does she want?" and eventually all misunderstandings will be your fault.

  14. Great choice on the Friends series ;) I do remember lots of similar stories in How I Met Your Mother series too.

    If you feel that you need to improve your relationship, that means it sucks for you and you should break up! ...Just a joke. Understanding and keep your word is the key, I guess.

  15. I use to think the brain is very flexible and as there are gander related differences the key in my opinion was that there are different social expectations from men and women. But I changed my mind when my friend who changed his sex from male to female noticed that when he started taking testosterone his way of thinking completely changed.

  16. The difference between men and women is much different way of thinking and keep. But it's good because as we were just the same to each other would not be among us "chemistry. " The film shows how the brain works of man and woman tells the truth because it is in reality. But I just love this for my girlfriend to be so different and funny in everyday life.

  17. This is good topic for everyone. We can often read about woman and man differences and it's true - we are different ;) I don't watch a lot of movies and I can't write what movie title is about this, but we don't have to watch the movies to see it because the whole life we meet a women. I'm sure men are more general and less complicated. We know more what we want and we trying do it. I often don't agree with my girl and it's normal. This is good because we don't get bored and I'm happy that I'm the man in this couple :)

  18. 1. I do not know any good movies that show diferences between men's and women's thinking. Not entirely, but I can somehow recall parts of the movies I have seen.
    2. It is trying to show the differences between men and women however, the scenarios have been predefined.
    3. Yes We do feel that girls should state directly to what they want because we as men we dont read signs.
    4. I am happy with my relations now so no need to improve yet.
