Wednesday, 8 June 2011

First aid. Part I

Today I would write about very important thing in our life – first aid. Why did I decide to write about this subject? In my opinion it’s very important knowledge, but nowadays ignored by people in Poland. As the Columbia Encyclopedia says: “First aid - it’s immediate and temporary treatment of a victim of sudden illness or injury while awaiting the arrival of medical aid.” In our life there are different situations which are not expected. Some give us happiness, and others hurt us. Literally hurt us. For example win money in lottery or a car accident. Ok, when we won the money, we are happy and our life may be changed, but what if you are a single witness of a car accident, someone need help and his life depends on you. What if in this car there is your baby or wife ? If you do not know the rules - someone could be a disabled person or even die. I mean not about medical knowledge but a few steps that must be done before the arrival of professional medical care. Many of us don’t know it and can’t give first aid.

In the following text you can see interesting statistics from Britain:
  • “Nearly nine out of 10 parents in Britain do not know simple first-aid which could save their child's life, a survey suggests.
  • “The research, commissioned by Mother and Baby magazine, also found that three-quarters of grandparents have never had any first-aid training.”
  • “In addition, two-thirds of parents did not think their child's carer would know what to do in a medical emergency.”
  • “Every year more than half a million children under five need to go to casualty after accidents at home, and 100 die.”
  • “The survey of 2,000 parents found just 14% felt they knew enough first aid to save the life of their child.”
  • “More than a third of parents had seen their child choke and 70% did not know what to do.”
  • “Some 11% said their child had knocked themselves out and 82% did not know how to handle the situation.”
  • “Overall, 81% of mothers said being a parent was more worrying than they had imagined and 73% said "worrying about their child's safety stressed them out".”
Source of statistics:

To be able to help others or yourself in an emergency, you should know first aid. If you act immediately in an appropriate way - increase the chances of human life. It may just be the difference between saving a life and losing someone, especially if it is a loved one.

  • Do you know the basics of first aid and know how to do it?
  • Have you ever been a witness of an accident where first aid was required?


  1. Yes, I know the basic principles of first aid. I believe that everyone should know them, because nobody knows when these skills can be useful.
    Luckily, I've never been a witness of an accident, and I never want be ...

  2. I know the basics which I learned at school. I don't know if my knowlage is enugh but I think it could be helpfull. I've never been witness of dangerous accident where the first aid was needed.

  3. Well, I know basics, but I'm sure I would mistake number of pressures per breath if something serious happens. I have never had to use this knowledge. In fact I know only theory because I didn't have first-aid training at school.

    I've never been a witness of such accident but I'm conscious it may happen any time. If it happens I would prefer someone else to help because I don't trust myself.

  4. I have never be a witness of an accident and I really don't want to be.
    How I have said before I don't come true in such a stressful situation. Moreover I think that a basic knowledge in my case is not enough. I need to practice a lot on the phantom to be sure that I will not harm somebody.

  5. Yes I know basics of first aid and I know how to do it. Unfortunately I had the opportunity to ust these skills.
    Yes I have been a witness of some accident when we must use our first aid skills.

  6. Yes, I have to know all those basics. Once per 2 years I have to participate in a first aid training. Reason is, I was dedicated as a part of Emergency Response Team in my work. We received also special equipped First Aid Kit and red caps. Despite the fact that I'm working as a computer specialist in one of computer corporation. When something bad happened we're suppose to wearing all that stuff and taking care about rest of people.

    I was a witness few times. But no, fortunately I haven't been forced to use those skills and I wish that fact wouldn't change ever.

  7. I was a scout, in fact we had such preparatory classes for first aid for person in need. Even in my squad was the principle that four times a year, we repeated all the principles of first aid. In my opinion, the first aid should be part of the theory for test driving.

  8. Fortunately, I never witnessed any serious accident. I know the basics of first aid - I needed it to get my certificate of competence in sailing.
